Break the Hypnotic Trance

English: two-seam fastball 日本語: ツーシームの握り

Joe Vitale (Buying Trances) says that prospects are often in a trance. “All vendors are the same” is a trance.

Joe said that what the salesperson has to do is move the client from his trance to the salesperson’s trance in three steps.

  1. Identify his trance. (“All vendors are the same.”)
  2. Agree with his beliefs to gain rapport. (“Yes, we do seem to look alike.”)
  3. Lead his belief to your offer. (“But here’s what makes us different.” New trance.)

Practice it with your kids.

“All baseball pitches are the same,” your child says.

“Yes,” you agree, “they certainly all look alike.”

Then show your child the four-seam fastball grip.

“This pitch will appear to rise when it’s not because it’s not dropping as fast as the batter’s brain thinks it should.”

Next, show your two-seam fastball grip.

“What makes this pitch different is it’s slightly slower and causes the baseball to change directions.”

Change people’s trances to change their beliefs.